
¿Qué diferencia a Purossence de otras marcas de cosméticos de lujo?

Purossence destaca por su excepcional compromiso con el lujo y la naturaleza. Nuestros productos están elaborados a mano en pequeños lotes utilizando ingredientes naturales de la más alta calidad. Superamos los estándares europeos y canadienses, garantizando excelencia y seguridad incomparables.

¿Los productos Purossence son adecuados para pieles sensibles?

Absolutamente. Los productos Purossence están formulados con ingredientes suaves y naturales, lo que los hace adecuados para todo tipo de piel, incluida la piel sensible. Nuestros productos están libres de irritantes y productos químicos agresivos, lo que minimiza el riesgo de reacciones adversas.

¿Cómo asegura Purossence la calidad de sus ingredientes?

Seleccionamos minuciosamente nuestros ingredientes, priorizando la calidad y la pureza. Trabajamos en estrecha colaboración con proveedores confiables y realizamos pruebas exhaustivas para garantizar que los ingredientes cumplan con nuestros estrictos estándares. Además, nuestro proceso de producción cumple con estrictas medidas de control de calidad.

¿Los productos Purossence se prueban en animales?

No, Purossence está orgullosamente libre de crueldad. Nos oponemos firmemente a las pruebas con animales y nos aseguramos de que todos nuestros productos se desarrollen sin dañar a los animales. Creemos en la belleza sin crueldad.

¿Cuál es la vida útil de los productos Purossence?

Nuestros productos están cuidadosamente formulados para mantener la frescura y la eficacia. Si bien la vida útil puede variar ligeramente entre productos, la mayoría de nuestros cosméticos y artículos para el cuidado de la piel tienen una vida útil de aproximadamente 12 a 24 meses. Consulte el embalaje del producto para obtener detalles específicos.

¿Purossence ofrece envíos internacionales?

Actualmente realizamos envíos solo en EE. UU. y Canadá. No realizamos envíos a otros países por el momento. Seguiremos evaluando y comenzamos a realizar envíos a otros países.

Consulte nuestra política de envío para obtener más detalles.

¿Los productos Purossence son adecuados para pieles sensibles?

Sí, los productos Purossence están formulados con ingredientes suaves y naturales, lo que los hace adecuados para pieles sensibles. Sin embargo, siempre recomendamos hacer una prueba de parche antes de usar un producto nuevo para garantizar la compatibilidad con su piel.

¿Cuánto tiempo se tarda en ver los resultados de los productos de cuidado de la piel Purossence?

Los resultados pueden variar según los tipos de piel y las preocupaciones individuales. Con el uso constante, muchos clientes notan mejoras visibles en la textura y apariencia de su piel en unas pocas semanas. Sin embargo, recuerde que el cuidado de la piel es un viaje y que los beneficios a largo plazo requieren paciencia y dedicación.

¿Los productos Purossence son seguros para personas embarazadas o en período de lactancia?

Los productos Purossence están formulados con ingredientes naturales y seguros. Sin embargo, siempre es recomendable consultar con su proveedor de atención médica antes de usar cualquier producto nuevo para el cuidado de la piel durante el embarazo o la lactancia.

¿Los productos Purossence son adecuados para hombres?

Sí, los productos Purossence son aptos para todos los géneros. Nuestros productos de cuidado de la piel y cosméticos están diseñados para realzar la belleza natural y atender una amplia gama de tipos y preocupaciones de piel.

¿Los productos Purossence contienen fragancias artificiales?

No, los productos Purossence no contienen fragancias artificiales. Utilizamos únicamente aceites esenciales naturales y extractos de plantas para proporcionar un aroma sutil y agradable.

¿Puedo combinar varios productos de cuidado de la piel Purossence en mi rutina?

¡Absolutamente! Los productos Purossence están cuidadosamente formulados para complementarse entre sí. Puede crear una rutina de cuidado de la piel personalizada seleccionando productos que aborden sus problemas específicos de la piel y colocándolos en capas en consecuencia.

¿Cómo debo almacenar los productos Purossence para mantener su frescura?

Para garantizar la longevidad y eficacia de los productos Purossence, se recomienda almacenarlos en un lugar fresco y seco, lejos de la luz solar directa. Esto ayudará a mantener su frescura y extender su vida útil.

¿Pueden usar los cosméticos Purossence personas con sensibilidad o alergia al gluten?

Absolutamente. Purossence se enorgullece de ofrecer cosméticos 100 % libres de gluten, lo que garantiza una experiencia segura y agradable para personas con sensibilidad o alergia al gluten.

¿Puedo utilizar los productos Purossence junto con mi rutina de cuidado de la piel actual?

Sí, los productos Purossence se pueden incorporar a su rutina de cuidado de la piel actual. Sin embargo, recomendamos probar nuevos productos con parches e introducirlos gradualmente para garantizar la compatibilidad y evitar posibles interacciones.

Returns & Refunds

What's your returns policy?

Given the nature of our products, we cannot resell the returned products and it has to go in trash, which ends up in landfill.

To protect our environment we do not accept returns. Please do not send back your products to our corporate office or to our warehouse, since we cannot process returns and no refund will be issued.

If you have any problem with the product your bought, please email us at and we will do our best to make it right for you on a case-by-case basis.

Refer to our Refund Policy for more details.

For lost, stolen, and/or damaged orders you can submit a claim if you purchased shipping protection.

How can I get refund?

We do not accept returns therefore we don't offer or process refunds. If you have any concerns please email us at and we will do our best to make it right for you on a case-by-case basis.

If we decide to issue a refund, it will be in the form or gift card or gift certificate that can be used on our store for future purchases.

Why don't you accept returns?

At Purossence, we take great pride in the quality of our products and our commitment towards sustainability and protecting our planet. In line with this mission, we have made the decision not to accept returns or issue refunds for our eco-friendly products.

We understand that this policy may be different from what you are used to, but we ask for your support in reducing waste and protecting the environment.

When you return a product, it has to be disposed of immediately, which contributes to our landfill crisis. In the United States alone, returned products make up 5 billion pounds of waste per year, and the return process burns 1.6 billion gallons of diesel fuel which releases 15 million metric tons of CO2.

We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase, so if you experience any issues with our products, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at We will address your concerns on a case-by-case basis and work with you to find a satisfactory solution.

Thank you for being earth-friendly and supporting our sustainable mission at Purossence!

Do you have exception to your return or refund policy?

No, we do not have any exception.

At Purossence, we take great pride in the quality of our products and we firmly believe that you will enjoy using these.

My product got damaged in transit.

We inspect our products before shipment and make sure our products are packaged properly to avoid damages. But unfortunately, accidents do happen.

If you purchased package insurance then you can file a claim for damage.

If you didn't have the package insurance then please write to us at and we will do our best to help you.

We strongly recommend insuring your package at the time of checkout by paying a small fee.

Please refer to Shipping Protection section for more details.

Where is my refund?

We only issue refund on a case by case basis. Refund will be issued only in the form of a gift card or gift certificate, which can be used on our store for future orders.

Gift card or certificate do not expire.


Do you offer free shipping?

Yes, we do.

Free Standard Shipping is available in the US on orders greater than $150.

Free Standard Shipping is available in Canada on orders greater than $200 (Canadian Dollars).

Refer to our Shipping Policy for more details.

Note: For some zip codes that are in remote areas the shipping and handling costs are significantly high and therefore we won't be able to offer free shipping for such cases even if the order value qualifies for free shipping. This is a unique situation and shouldn't happen for the majority of orders. In such a case, we will reach out to you before shipping your order and maybe able to offer you a discounted shipping on a case-by-case basis.

Shipping Prices

We offer simple and subsidized shipping prices instead of using a complex algorithm to calculate shipping price at checkout leading to confusion for customers.

Our Shipping Prices In the US:

  • $6.99 for order value less than $50
  • $9.99 for order value less than $100
  • $12.99 for order value less than $150
  • Free Standard Shipping for order value over $150

Our Shipping Prices In the Canada:

  • $8.99 for order value less than $50
  • $13.99 for order value less than $100
  • $17.99 for order value less than $150
  • $19.99 for order value less than $200
  • Free Standard Shipping for order value over $200

Note: For some zip codes in remote areas the shipping and handling costs are significantly high and therefore we won't be able to offer free shipping for such cases even if the order value qualifies for free shipping. This is a unique situation and shouldn't happen for the majority of orders. In such a case, we will reach out to you before shipping your order and maybe able to offer you a discounted shipping on a case-by-case basis.

Which countries do you ship to?

Currently, we ship only in the US and Canada. We do not ship to any other country.

We plan to add more countries as we grow.

Exception to Free Shipping?

Yes, there's an exception to our Free Shipping offer based on the order value.

For some zip code in remote locations, the shipping and handling costs are significantly high and therefore we won't be able to offer free shipping for such cases even if the order value qualifies for free shipping. This is a unique situation and shouldn't happen for the majority of orders. In such a case, we will reach out to you before shipping your order and maybe able to offer you a discounted shipping on a case-by-case basis.

What are the available shipping options?

Currently, we only offer standard ground shipping. But please email us at if you need expedited shipping option. We will do our best to work with the package carrier to upgrade the shipping option, at actual shipping cost to the customer.

We are working to add expedited shipping options as we continue to improve our customer experience.

How long does it take to ship my order?

For most orders it typically takes anywhere between 2-5 business days to ship but there could be delays due to significant shopping volume during major holidays and peak seasons.

As we continue to grow, we will continue to improve our processes and reduce time taken for orders fulfillment.

When will I receive my order?

Once the items are shipped it usually takes 3-7 business days to deliver your order for most of the zip codes. For certain remote areas the delivery time may be longer.

How can I cancel my order?

Once the order has been placed there's no order cancellation flow available to the customer on our store. We plan to introduce self-cancellation in the future.

To cancel or update the order please email us at Changes have to be requested within an hour of the order placement. We will do our best to update your order. But if the order has already been processed and shipping labels have been create, we may still be able to cancel the order. In this case, we will not be able to refund the shipping cost. If you received free shipping for your order then we will deduct the actual shipping cost paid to carrier & refund you the remaining balance. 

Refund will be issued in the form of gift card or gift certificate only, which will never expire. It can be used for future orders on our store.But if the order has already been processed and shipped, we won't be able to cancel it.

Once you receive your order, we can neither process the return nor provide refund. Please refer to our Refund Policy.In such a situation please email us once your order has been delivered with the details. We will work with you to fix the problem on a case-by-case basis.

I am unable to checkout my order

This can happen when your order value is too high. We do not let you checkout the order if it's more than these limits

  • United States - order value more than $250 (US Dollars)
  • Canada - order value more than $300 (Canadian Dollars)

Please email us at if you have a high value order. We may be able to offer an additional 'High Value Order Discount' and offer free shipping too.Please refer to our shipping policy for more details.

What is Naked Labels?

Naked labels are product labels that are made without a backing material. They are typically made from a thin, flexible material, such as fabric or vinyl, and are printed with the desired information, such as the brand name, size, and care instructions. Naked labels are often used on clothing and other textiles, but they can also be used on other products, such as food and beverage packaging, cosmetics, and personal care products.

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